Back To School! Prepping Your Kids For A New Adventure

It’s that time of year again when the nights start to draw in, there’s a chill in the air, and social media is awash with thousands of proud parents uploading snaps of their child on their first day of school. Starting school is an adventure, but it can also be a very daunting process for both parents and children. If you’ve got a child preparing to start the first semester, here are some tips to help make the process as smooth as possible.



If your child has recently started school or they’re about to take those first few steps into the classroom, it’s really beneficial to promote socialization and encourage them to form new friendships. If your kids haven’t started school yet, but they’ll be enrolling in the next few weeks or months, try and get together with other parents and children. It can be hugely comforting to turn up to a new school and see familiar faces. Perhaps there’s a preschool your child could attend for the next few weeks, or you could look into local clubs or join groups. Sport is a really useful way for children to get to know each other and forge friendships, so have a look online or ask other parents about teams and activities. If you’re new to the area, it can be particularly daunting, so try and network as much as possible in the early days.

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Preparing for school routines

Going to school can represent a significant change of pace for some children, especially if they haven’t been to nursery or preschool before. It’s really helpful to try and get kids into a similar routine in the run-up to the start of the semester, so that they have an idea of what to expect, and it’s not such a challenge when they finally get into the classroom. It’s beneficial to do some activities, like writing and coloring at a table and to have quiet time during the day, for example. Read stories together, eat together at meal times and work through activities and games. Most children pick up new routines very quickly, but if your kids have a basic understanding of what their school day will entail, this can help them adapt smoothly.


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Making it fun

Some children fly down the path to the school entrance and never look back. Others dread the first day at school and clamp down on their parent’s legs for as long as possible. One of the best things to do when it comes to starting a new school is make it fun. Talk to your child about what is going to happen and really sell it as the start of an exciting new chapter. Mark the occasion by throwing a small party with some friends and family, order a personalized t-shirt for the first day and get excited. If you’re interested in bespoke gifts for your child, you can learn more here. Always market the experience in a positive light. You may not have had the best time at school, but don’t let your child get wind of this.


Encouraging communication

Some kids will have the best day ever on the first day, and for parents, this is an ideal scenario. Sadly, this is not always the case. There may be days when your child appears in tears, or they’re upset because they’ve missed you or they haven’t enjoyed their day. Don’t panic if there are a few days like this in the early stages. Reassure your child and encourage them to talk to you about how they feel. Often, once children adapt to their new routine, they make friends, and they get used to their new surroundings, they’ll start to really enjoy school. However, if your child isn’t settling and you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to speak to their teachers.



Getting enough sleep

Going to school can be a very tiring process, and you may find that your child is exhausted after their first few weeks at schools. Sitting in classes, playing sports, and spending time away from home can take its toll on little people, so it’s really important to ensure that your child gets enough sleep. If your kids are already in a routine and they get to bed early, you may not need to make any adjustments to their regimen, but if your children are getting tired earlier in the day or they’re struggling to get up in the mornings, it may be time to make some changes. According to experts from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, children aged between 3 and 5 years old need 10-13 hours of sleep per night and kids aged 6-12 require 9-12 hours. If your children play up for the first few nights of a new routine, don’t panic. Stick with the program, as it can take a little time for the body clock to adjust. Make sure your children relax and unwind before they go to bed. If they’re playing computer games or kicking a ball around in the backyard, this may make them more energetic, so stick to activities like reading and listening to music.


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Are you one of the many parents out there who is preparing to drop their child off at school for the first time? All over the world, new semesters are starting, and kids are gearing up for a new adventure. This can be a nervy time for both parents and children, but hopefully, this guide will prove useful. As a parent, you want nothing more than to be greeted at the gates with a big smile, but this is not always guaranteed. Don’t panic if there are a few tears along the way or some ups and downs. Try and prepare your kids for life at school as best you can, encourage them to be sociable and make them feel as comfortable and confident as possible. Sell the experience, make it fun, and be there to support and reassure your children if they have a day they’d rather forget.


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