Autumn Blog Challenge – Day 17

September 17 – What did/do you want to be when you grew/grow up?

When I was a little girl, like many little girls I wanted to grow up and marry a prince. I know that is not a job but every day my grandparents would have me pray with them and every day was the same “let me marry a man as good as my Pepe” among other things. My mémé always wanted me to be a teacher. I wanted it too, for a while anyway. The life had me going in so many different directions. For a while I wanted to be an electrician and was in shop for a few years in highschool for it. I was even an apprentice for a while. I think one of my dreams since I was very young was to be a writer as I loved books and reading and had a few teachers tell me I was very good at it beyond my learning disability that stated I would never learn to spell. It is believed my learning issues steamed from vaccine injury due to raging high fevers that would put me in the hospital. What ever the case though, one thing is certain, the school system was wrong. I can clearly spell, though not well enough to be an editor and in fact I could use an editor myself but I think that is true of many writers. We tend to worry about content first and the rest follows.

As I grew older I wanted to be a midwife, with fibromyalgia this past year I have come to terms with that dream not being very responsible as some days I can’t manage to move parts of my body and some days I throw up from the pain. That would not serve a birthing mother the way she deserves to be served.

So now what? This is what. I love to write and I have a passion for it. I am going to keep blogging till the day that no one any longer reads blogs and even then I think I will keep blogging to serve as a record for our family. I will keep homeschooling my children for as long as it is working for them as well.

I married the guy of my dreams just like my grandparents told me to!

Someday I will publish a novel!

I am so blessed and beyond my health and I so thrilled with my life. I am in love, I have healthy happy children, friends who inspire, and a job I love.

I guess what I am saying is that if there is one thing I would change, one thing I want to be when I grow up in addition to all this already, it would be that I would like to be be healthy and not in pain every day.


  1. Leigh

    I like the goal of marrying a prince. I wanted to marry my next door neighbor and “have lots of babies” as I stated in my nursery school yearbook!

  2. Marrying your prince is a blessing. I was fortunate enough to find my own as well. Writing a novel sounds like a great aspiration! Best wishes on your future goals!

  3. Wow, you can tell we have to completely different backgrounds LOL. I didn’t believe there was a such thing as a good marraige and I wanted to be a stripper at 10! LMAO.. Thankfully, neither of those proved tru! I have married my prince and I am as far away from wanting to be a stripper as you can get =]

    • LittleCrunchy

      I was hurt when I was very little by a real life monster. The my mother left us when I was 6, and then I had a step mother and step father and step siblings and the only thing that was solid was my Grandmother and Grandfather and the dreams they gave me and the fairy tales I held on too. As a teen I was a mess, no real dreams, and might well have ended up on the stripper pole. I did some dancing for a while at 18…. LOL I have had some adventures! 🙂

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