A Different Way to Dye Easter Eggs



color easter eggs with kids


This fantastic fun idea was found on Pinterest from a wonderful blogger!

                                                                                                                                                            Source: totschool.shannons.org via Kimberly on Pinterest





Instead of the coloring they used as Shannon posted that the color came off we tried food coloring, not the typical kind one gets from the grocery store. We tried food coloring made for air brushing food in metallic colors. We had gotten them at a great price for another project:



For this project one needs: 

  • Shaving Cream
  • Food Coloring
  • Hard Boiled Eggs (Crafting Eggs would be best for this project!)
  • Tooth Picks
  • Cooling rack
  • Cookie sheet or plates



  1. Spray shaving cream on clean plate or pan.
  2. Drop colors on the shaving cream
  3. Use a tooth pick to swirl and move color
  4. Roll egg on colored shaving cream
  5. Place egg on cooling rack to dry over night
  6. Use clean paper towel to dry egg carefully

After reading that the color might not stick we tried dipping half the eggs in vinegar to see if that would help any. It did not help.





I had called this a Pinterest Fail -Kind of- (edited)

I had called this a pinterest fail because for one, when you use the shaving cream that is full of chemicals, the eggs are no longer edible for one. For another, the effect is rather disappointing. When cleaning off the egg is it near impossible not to make the eggs more a mess and rub some color off. The eggs are left sticky no matter what we did and the color continued to come off if at all touched.

This is only a fail though if like me you fail to notice that the eggs used on the original post for these used WOODEN EGGS and to keep the color they sprayed them with a sealant making them wonderful toys for the kids specially this time of year. Maybe if we sprayed them they wouldn’t be sticky right? So we need to do this again with wooden eggs.

Maybe you can think of a better way to do this?

On my facebook wall friends have suggested spray whipped topping and gelatin as other ways to try this on real eggs! 


  1. Shannon

    I’m sorry that your eggs didn’t work, although I’m sad that you called it a pinterest fail. My guess is that the different type of metalic food coloring you used may have caused your problems. One suggestion I have is that maybe you could try letting the eggs dry longer? If you take a look at this picture (http://totschool.shannons.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/MarbledEggs-2821.jpg), you can see that most of the shaving cream had evaporated off of the eggs before I rubbed them down with a paper towel. If that doesn’t work, then you would probably just need to use regular food coloring.

    Also, the eggs we used were wooden and we used liquid watercoloring (not food coloring). I also suggested that they be sealed with a glossy sealing spray to waterproof them. I never really intended the “shaving cream” method to be used with real eggs, although many people have tried it. So this year we tried a different method with cool whip and food coloring: http://totschool.shannons.org/edible-marbled-easter-eggs I will admit that those eggs didn’t turn out to be perfectly colorfast (but then again, regular Paas Easter eggs aren’t really colorfast either!) 🙂

    • LittleCrunchy

      Shannon, for some reason I missed that you used wooden eggs on this or maybe when I read the post it had not been updated to make that clear? Chances are it was me though! I see easter egg and I think hard boiled. (Thanks for letting me know we are not the only ones to try it with normal eggs LOL) Thank you for stopping by to help!

      We waited over night till there was hardly any sign of the shaving cream and then let them sit a few more days. They never did stop being sticky. If done with a wooden egg though a sealer would help keep them color fast and not sticky and they would last and the kids would love them! We will try this again!

      I think the difference with most other egg dyes is that you do not have to dry them or anything after they air dry, so the color sticks.

      We are going to try again with spray cream and then another friend suggested we try gelatin!

      I am sorry for saying this was a pinterest fail, I didn’t mean to make you sad. I will correct it as you helped me see how I went wrong with it! Thank you Shannon for helping with this and all the wonderful things you share with us online!

  2. Shannon

    My post always listed wooden eggs under materials, although when I read your post I added the snipit about “although others have had mixed results.” lol. 🙂

    After I rubbed the eggs clean, they (both wooden/shaving cream and real/coolwhip) were not sticky at all, so I think the problem was probably the type of dye you used.

    Good luck with your future experiments. I would be especially interested to see how the gelatin version turns out!

    (P.S. The way I found your post was because I got a “pingback” from your blog post. When you posted the link to my site, I am guessing that you allowed pingbacks so your site notified my site that there was a link to it. More info: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/what-is-pingback-or-ping-for)

    • LittleCrunchy

      Thank you again for responding and helping with this! I wouldn’t have caught how I failed because I didn’t read the directions closely enough. I think though that is why people call things “pinterest fails” because they try to do things they see on pinterest and some how they get it all wrong! LOL One would think I would have at least noticed the photo with the box of wooden eggs in it… blah.

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