A Blogging Challenge – 500 Emotions

Did you know that there are over 4,000 emotions one can have (I link to a page that lists over 3k of them below!)? If asked before I would have guessed less than a hundred because when I think of emotions I like most people think of the basics, anger, sadness, happiness, fear ect.  There is so much more to it though and naming them is so very important. 
I had no idea!
It is one of the steps in many of the peaceful parenting movements. I learned a bit about it during NVC training years back but I think I focused then more on learning about needs. Now I know I need to focus on giving names to emotions. This is a step that could radically change so much in our relationships with others. 
It isn’t easy though. So here is the Challenge.
Post 500 Emotions One emotion at a time! 
Post the word, the meaning, and when you remember feeling it and what the situation was. It could be a memory from childhood or last week or this morning. Just try and connect with it and express it and honor the person, you, that had it at the time. Your emotions are valid, don’t argue with yourself over having them! 
Just Share! 
If your brave enough to take on this challenge please do post here about starting or update us on how it is coming along! Blog links are welcome and I would love to come read your posts too! 
Here is a list of emotions that can help you start out, my advice is to start at the top and work your way down! http://eqi.org/fw.htm
Consider this a bit of self therapy, who knows, it could help others more than you think! 
While blog challenges tend to be for the benefit of ones self and not a contest and while there is no start or end date for this challenge, you start when you wish and post when you want, there will be a prize for the first blog to finish those 500 posts in this challenge. Prize to be determined at a later date! Ideas welcome!

My first Post 1 of 500 Emotions.

You can add this button to your blog or posts if your taking on this challenge!

Be Sure to check back here for updates!


  1. Pamela

    This is a wonderful challenge, 500 emotions, I will be checking back to see what you come up with!

  2. ReviewsSheROTE Pamela R

    sounds like a very tough challenge BEST of LUCK to you!

  3. Michelle G

    Wow! 500 emotions? I’m gonna have to take a look at that list!! Thanks for the idea. I’ll see. . .

  4. Amber

    I don’t know if I could do that. I would have to do some research!

  5. The Blissful Beet

    That’s a great challenge. 500? I had no idea we had SO many! Good luck on the challenge. I will be an avid reader.

  6. Mommys Juice

    Best of luck on this one! Whew…

  7. Audra Michelle

    Wow! I’m working through teaching my little ones about their emotions and how to deal with them appropriately. So far, it’s just the VERY basics as my oldest isn’t yet four. I can see that being more detailed as he grows will be a big help.

  8. Jessica

    I look forward to seeing these posts! Sounds like fun.

  9. Alyssa McVey

    I had no idea that there were so many emotions. I’m very interested!

  10. Pingback: 13 Writing Prompt Resources for Blog Owners | Blog Post Ideas

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