5 Ways to Show Kids How Much They Are Loved

5 Ways to Show Kids How Much They Are Loved

“I love you” are words kids need to hear, but saying them is not enough. You may love your kids with all your heart and you might tell them all the time, but they need to actually feel it. You may think you are doing everything you possibly can to show them, but kids often interpret acts differently than adults. Some parents simply don’t know how to show it. Below are some easy ways to say “I love you” without actually speaking the words.


Physical Contact

The slightest touch can mean a lot. Take the extra second to tuck the blanket under their chin before turning off the light for bed. Rub their cold fingers in between your warm hands when they come in from the cold. A squeeze on the shoulder of a teenager studying for an exam is encouraging and needs no explanation.


Let Them Know You Are Thinking of Them

Send a little note in their lunch tote or leave a “Good luck today!” post-it note on their mirror to see before they head to school for a big presentation. Snap a picture of something you think they will appreciate and send it to their phone, or buy them a small bouquet of flowers just because, and put them in a vase in their room.


Make Them Feel Needed

Young kids are often eager to help parents do just about anything, but they are sent away to play or watch TV instead. Yes, having a child help you with a chore can slow you down, but it will make them feel good and gives you some bonding time. For example, every few months they watch you clean the water wall in the living room and they offer to help. Instead of telling them there is nothing they can do, let them run water through the tubing or let them wipe the inside dry before you fill it back up, even though you don’t actually have to dry it. If you don’t have a soothing fountain yet, you can get one from stores like Luxe Water Walls.


They can also break up lettuce for salads while you make dinner, match socks from the laundry, rake leaves with a plastic rake, etc.


Sing to Them

It does not matter how awful your singing voice is, to a child you will always be in key and your pitch will be perfect. Make up songs together or personalize an existing song by changing a few words. Don’t forget to have 10-minute dance sessions every now-and-then, too.


Create Magic

You know you are dying to play with that box of LEGO or Play-Doh, so create something and leave it on their bed for when they get home. Cook their favorite meal or make them something sweet. Sweet does not have to mean junk either. Roll a banana in yogurt and coconut and freeze it or make fresh fruit kabobs. Smoothies are also ideal, and you will never run out of flavor combinations.

2014-09-20 17.59.35-2Quality time playing board games together!


1 Comment

  1. This is a great post. My daughter really likes to hug, but I’m not much of a hugger myself, so it is really good for me to remember that the physical contact is important to her and I need to do it more so she knows she is loved.

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