5 Ways To Add A Little Crunch To Your Assisted Living Care


There is no reason to let assisted living care get you down and take away your vital energy. The best way to maintain a positive mental attitude and the best way to keep healthy is a little exercise. There may be a few obstacles in the way of these goals, but there are always ways around obstacles.

1. Walk
For anyone that has a limited lifestyle, there is always walking for exercise. This is something that many people can do and it is more than just a physical exercise, it can be both meditative and calming. Walking allows that body to focus your energy and your mind can then wander. It is healthy and a great way to spend time with friends.

Most assisted care facilities have an outdoor area that is suitable for a nice walk. Each day can get a little longer and longer. It does not have to be a fast walk. Sometimes the best walks are those that take forever and involve enjoying all of the things that we have walked past our whole lives on the way to get somewhere else. The best journey is sometimes one without a destination.

2. DVD

There are often DVD’s that are created for exercise in different situations. As most assisted living situations provide a private room, this is a great way to get some exercise. DVD players can even be found that are almost as inexpensive as the DVD’s themselves. There are a variety of types and programs, just make sure that each one is checked out by your care physician.

3. Start a Class

The best way to solve your problems is to help others solve theirs. Do a little research, read a few books on the subjects of exercise and then talk with the medical staff. After some discussion and some planning, you can be helping others get some exercise and getting fit at the same time. There is nothing that helps maintain a positive attitude than putting the focus on helping others.

4. Yoga

There are actually many varieties of Yoga and other forms of Oriental exercise. These can vary as much as people and some of them can be a very gentle way to get some exercise and can even lead into more strenuous forms of exercise.

There are forms of Yoga that can affect nearly every muscle group without even breaking a sweat. At the same time, there is much to be said for the meditative effects that such types of exercise can have on a person.

5. Ping Pong

Ping Pong is just an example of an indoor sport that can be played by a good number of people in different situations. The combination of mild exercise and eye-hand coordination can be a very effective way of maintaining mental acuity. Just like any other muscle, the brain can become stagnant if not used.

Sports such as Ping Pong keep portions of the brain active and help stave off boredom. Even if this is a little too active for some people, there are alternatives that are more appropriate. The important part is to remain active on multiple levels and the keep pushing forward and being positive.

The Future

There is no telling what marvels the future may bring and how that future will affect assisted living care. It is amazing what can be done with a little technology. There are game systems now that provide both exercise and entertainment. These can be operated with wireless controls and even with nothing more than a camera. The exercise can be light or strenuous and the entertainment factors are enormous.

It is hard to say what the next five years or even the next year can hold for the world and for the human civilization. It will surely be a sight to see and we all will have a few surprises in store. There is no doubt that the key to life is to enjoy the moment, while at the same time look to the future and see what is on the horizon. No one should ever consider their life to be complete until the very last moment.


Author Bio

Carol is an assisted living professional who writes for ALT, a website helping families find the locations that meet their needs.

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