5 Special Mothers Day Gift Ideas

There is one thing all human beings have in common, a mother and a father, biologically speaking. Sadly not all of us still have them in our lives. Knowing this it is specially important to those of us who do have them in our lives to let them know as often as we can that they matter to us. Mothers Day is a great reason to celebrate how special your mother is to you. Don’t forget Grandma and other women in your life who have been motherly to you! My children one year gifted something to a dear friend who had been there for us while Daddy was deployed. Mothers are all around us and sometimes they mother others who are not even their own children. Honor them too!

Many people seem to have a hard time coming up with ideas on just what to do, they get board of the store bought cards and delivered flowers. There are other options and one just needs to be brave enough to take the leap and try some other things!


 1. Butterflies!

This year my children and I did something special for Memere (Grandma) that is a bit out of the ordinary. We sent her a butterfly kit with lots of caterpillars. They will turn into butterflies and she can release them in her garden. We are also bringing her special butterfly bushes to help attract more butterflies to her garden. This is an eco-friendly gift in that Monarch butterflies are dependent on a certain plant to survive and because of certain chemical companies like the bee population, they are suffering. We need to plant more butterfly bushes, avoid herbicides and pesticides.  Not just for them, but our health as well. Monarchs are at the lowest numbers in 20 years and dropping. Our Memere loves butterflies and hopefully she will love this gift idea!




2. Hobby Date

Many people have hobbies and mothers are no exception. Be it reading books, knitting, gardening, sewing, cooking, or war reenactment. You might not know enough about what they love to buy them something they need. You could however learn! Go on a Hobby date, let them know you put money aside and wanted to go shopping where ever they like to buy some things they need and would then like to learn about their hobby. Maybe it will be a book store and coffee date. The important part is that your taking interest in something that matters to her!


3. Spa Day

We all need a bit of pampering sometimes and there are many women who would love a spa day. A great idea is to give the Moms in your life gift certificates to the same spa so they can all go together as a Mom’s day out. Maybe talk to your wife’s friends husbands and co-ordinate so friends can go out and enjoy a relaxing day together! Yes, it takes a bit more effort to talk to others about such a gift but the effort can be so worth it! Not all women like to go to spas though as it turns out. You can still give her a spa day though, order products from a company like Ila and your Mother can have a spa day at home!


4. A Clean House

I hear over and over from Moms how amazing it is to go out on their own for a few hours and come home to a clean house. Their husbands get a lot of praise for being so wonderful and thoughtful and understanding. If your mother is far away though you might not be able to do this for her, you could hire a cleaning company to do spring cleaning for her though! This is a complicated gift however, and you know your mother best. Some might consider this insulting and some Moms have spotless homes all the time so be careful when considering such a gift. For most Moms though I think doing something to make sure her home gets spotless without her doing it is a great idea!


5. Thoughtful Jewelry

Advertising is in full swing for major jewelry companies.  They have beautiful pieces and promise that every mother will love them. They might! However not much thought goes into them and they are so common. Wouldn’t a personalized gift be better? I saw these lockets that can be changed over and over and customized so well. One could put together a locket that is special to your Mom that speaks to who she is, and not just that she is a mother. You can add charms that say “mom” and “mama” and such, there are so many possibilities with them. I want one!



  1. I am having hard time thinking about something to give as gift for my mom this Mother’s day. For someone who has a tight budget, may be a kiss and a hug will do.

    • Kimberly Storms

      I think a Kiss and Hug will always do!

  2. Amanda

    I love spa day and oragami owl (jewelry!) Thanks! This is helpful for men and kiddos!

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