5 Fashionable Ways to Rock Your Cowgirl Boots

You’ve got a pair of beautiful cowgirl boots sitting in the back of your closet. What do you do with them? How should you wear them? And for that matter, where should you wear them? Take a deep breath, we all have that one pair of shoes that stumps us. Here are a few ways to get your gorgeous cowgirl boots out of the closet and into the open.

Cowgirl Boots With Skinny Jeans and Leggings


Image Via Flickr User Samantha Jade Royds

Both skinny jeans and leggings have an affinity for hugging your leg. They have tiny openings that wrap themselves around your ankle and give you your first trump card in your arsenal. A lot of boots have greedy mouths, meaning they can slide right over these small opening and sit perfectly on the outside of your pants. Most skinny jeans are solid in color, making it easier to pair with your boots. Leggings might come in all different shades and patterns, but you’ll want to stick to something simple and easy. Boots are already a fashion statement by themselves. You don’t want to mix something so iconic with a busy pair of leggings sporting cheetahs in top-hats with monocles. It could throw off the whole balance of the look you’re going for, and no one wants that.

Cowgirl Boots Make Your Flowing Dresses Pop


Image Via Flickr User Crysco Photography

So you have a new pair of Ariat Dandy boots and you want to show them off. You just have one problem: its way too hot to wear jeans or leggings. There is a fantastic third option. Wearing your beautifully embroidered, leather cowgirl boots with a nice, simple, flowing dress is a great way to show off your style without going overboard. When you match your boots and your dress, make sure that your dress is a solid color or has a very simple design on it. Too much flare, and you could wash out the look and feel of your boots. Also, avoid matching completely. You don’t want to go with the same color dress and the same color boot. That is the quickest way to wash yourself out. Pick colors that go well together instead of matching completely.

Wedding Bells And Your Cowgirl Boots


Image Via Flickr User Kenzie W.

You don’t necessarily have to wear a dress or jeans with your boots. You can wear your boots with your wedding dress and give your wedding a fantastic country feel. If you choose to go this route, make sure that your boot embroidery and accessories (if there are any) match the style of your wedding dress. After all, the last thing you want on your wedding day is to be mismatched and walking down the aisle. Choose a boot design that compliments your wedding dress. If your dress is a little more on the frills and swirls side, choose boots that have a little extra flare and finesse. Swirls go with swirls, straighter lines go with straighter lines, etc.

Boot cut Jeans Are Made For Your Cowgirl Boots

There is a reason that some jeans are called “boot cut.” They are specifically designed to open a little wider just below mid-calf. This allows the jean to sit around the outside of your boots without being too tight and giving you that spandex look. If you don’t want to show off the whole boot, but love the way the base of the shoe itself looks on your foot, the boot cut look is a perfect way to show off a more modern variation of the classic look. Plus, hiding the upper half of the boot may give you a few more shirt/top options since you’re not worrying about clashing styles.

When In Doubt, Simple Is Always Best To Show Off Your Cowgirl Boots

If you have a beautiful, fancy, stunning and awe-inspiring pair of boots, dress down the rest of your wardrobe and show them off. You could easily pull off a plain t-shirt under a cardigan with a nice pair of blue jeans. This way you still look adorable but can show off the beautiful wing-tipped boots or the excellent, hand-crafted embroidering job adorning that beautiful off-color leather. When in doubt, the simple look is the safest and can also be the cutest if given the chance.

Boots can be worn for just about any occasion. Some fashion experts will tell you that you should only dawn your boots once in a blue moon, while others say to wear them all the time. The bottom line is that you should wear them whenever you want to. Just make sure you follow the guidelines: don’t match identical colors, keep the pattern style in mind when choosing an outfit, don’t wear too much flare, and love the way you look.

1 Comment

  1. Sandy loves her Ariat Boots

    Great article and fashion tips for us boot lovers. I really do like the ariat dandy boots also and so has everyone else who’s seen me in them.

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