5 Common Sense Tips To Keep Summer Weight Off

Guest Post

I am not a Doctor, your mileage may vary!

You might be a Mom who just had a baby or a Mom who had a baby years ago and never got the baby weight off. Weight loss is an issue for so many of us and as we age our body changes. Eat too little and the weight will not budge, eat the wrong things and your weight loss stalls. So lets look at the 5 common sense things most of us need reminders about!

 1. Fasting —

“Fasting has the potential to become an important diabetes intervention,” said Dr. Benjamin Horne. I think most of us know that fasting can be beneficial. While it has been a religious tradition to many through history it doesn’t have to be just that any more though of course if you have a faith that does it, go with that! I am not going to tell you what fast to do, or how long though, one size does not fit all! Talk to your Doctor, they might not be as against it as you think they will be!

 2. Water —

This one is a given! But is 8 glasses of water a day enough? Some studies show it is not and simply doubling that for some has made a difference. One study showed that dieters who drank 500 ml of water before meals lost 44% more weight over a period of 12 weeks, compared to those who didn’t. Even a 2% drop in hydration can cause mood and concentration issues so keep drinking your water. Don’t believe the myth that only water counts, other liquids do too, even those with caffeine in them!

3. Change Something —

If what your doing isn’t working, and if your reading this chances are it isn’t, change something! It can be exhausting going from trying this, to that, to the other thing but we are human beings! We are curious and intelligent and always think there must be a better way. One size does not fit all. Try a new supplement, work out routine, menu plan! I heard some great things about supplements like hcg drops but have not tried them myself. One size does not fit all and it isn’t hopeless. 

4. Don’t Over Do It —

So your motivated and you stick to it and then what? You get injured! It happens a lot! Work out smarter, not harder. Find a good trainer or class and jump around till you find something that challenges you but also keeps you safe! Remember Yoga counts too! Only do what you are able. I used to think I had to run but then a chiropractor told me that because of my health that it was not something she would ever recommend for me and scolded me for it. Talk to your health care provider! Even if you can’t work out, maybe hydro therapy is an option for you and it might mean later you can do more!

5. Do the research!

Don’t believe everything you read! At one point low-fat was the “thing” to do and has it helped our country? I wouldn’t say so. Once fat was the enemy and now we are learning that it isn’t. As time goes on we learn and change and people have to keep up! One minute something is said to be great for us and the next minute there is a recall. It is insanity out there! If you want to try a product or class or new prescription be sure to look up reviews, and side effects so you can know the potential dangers and be on the look out if they start to effect you.

I know, nothing mind blowing in this post, just common sense reminders! We all need them sometimes!



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