4 ways living green can enhance your quality of life

It seems that wherever you go, you are hearing about going green. Some people are saying that it’s the best decision you’ll ever make, others believe that it’s a waste of time and a marketing scheme and then there are those in the middle who don’t know what to think. The fact is that going green can improve both your life and everyone else’s.
Less Pollution
What creates pollution? The answer should be fairly obvious. It comes from cars, trucks and all other vehicles that use gasoline. These are many sources of pollution, but the one source that is easy to control is transportation. Living a green life significantly reduces your carbon emissions.

For example, you’ll bike instead of drive to close locations. You’ll use the train as often as you can to reduce your overall carbon needs. You will also buy local produce, which reduces how far the produce how to travel from the farm to your location.

This means that you and everyone in your area can experience better air quality, which translates to better breathing, fewer illnesses and a healthier life.

Fewer Illnesses
As stated above, less pollution will improve your health. At the same time, having a green lifestyle doesn’t stop there. Consider what you are eating and doing. Living green means moving your body more. You’ll be doing a lot more walking and biking to travel to nearby locations. This will help you lose weight, and it will also make your immune system stronger so that you can better fight colds and infections.

The green lifestyle also means that you’ll be eating more produce, less meat and fewer chemicals. Many people love meat, but the overconsumption of meat is very dangerous. There are many medical reports stating that the overall increase in health problems would sharply decline if people would just eat a single serving of meat, rather than close to a pound or more of it a day.

Eating more produce exposes your body to an increase amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other healthy compounds. A multivitamin is great, but it pales in comparison to getting the real thing. You will also be getting more fiber and feeling fuller, which decreases the likelihood of having cravings for junk food.

Another improvement is that you’ll be eating fewer chemicals. The standard cut of meat, fruit or vegetable has a significant amount of antibiotics, fungicides, pesticides and other chemicals that can be detrimental to your health. Living a green lifestyle will ensure that this chemical exposure is minimal.

More Money
Everyone moans about how expensive organic produce is, but the truth is that a green lifestyle will fatten your wallet. One of the backbones of living green is conserving energy. Riding your bike, using fewer lights in your house and installing solar panels can significantly reduce your bills.

Health insurance will cost less because your risk of needing medical attention will decrease, which makes the insurance companies happy. Meat is also very expensive, but you’ll save money overall because produce is much cheaper than meat and you’ll be buying more fruits and vegetables.

You can easily save some money by eating right and properly using energy only when you need it. In fact, you might get some money by using solar panels if you produce more energy than you use.

More Water
This is going to require looking ahead by a number of years, but it’s still important. Humans use a lot of water when it comes to cleaning, showering and drinking to survive. It probably seems absurd given the size of the ocean, but the clean water will run out. Several countries, like India, are facing catastrophes because they don’t have clean water.

The green lifestyle dictates that you should use less water by utilizing green shower heads and sinks that use less water, but still deliver enough power.

Living the green lifestyle can significantly improve your life. Not only will the air quality in your immediate area be much better, but your health will improve, you can easily lose that extra weight and your wallet will fatten up a bit due to your conservation. It might take some adjust, but the benefits are great.


Author Bio

Sandra Marino is a ‘go green’ enthusist and loves spending time helping others learn how they can help the environment with green living from GreenGeekTips.


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