BeginAgain Toy Review – Simply Adorable

BeginAgain toys are some of the most adorable toys I have ever seen!

The toys are greener than most as the company strives to take OIL out of play time. We know OIL is toxic and bad for the planet and is depleting at a scary rate. We need to look to products that help our planet and give our children a better future.

Another wonderful thing about this company is that they have 4 basic rules.

1. No Batteries!

2. Sharing

3. Be Green

4. Support the Community. (They donate 1%)

It can be so hard to find good companies that care about more than a profit line and that is why I love posting about the ones that clearly do care about our children and our planet. I hope you value these things too.

I would love to show the best photos my child enjoying the two toys sent but sadly those photos have been lost when my other laptop died. It has made things very hard as of late.

Here is one of my 2.5 year old sitting in a little reading chair bending over trying to figure out how to put the animals together correctly.

There are 3 different kinds of buddy blocks and each sells for $13.00

She really loves these blocks. She find it a bit hard to put them in their box home in a way as to make the animals so she will first put them on the floor right side up with the animal she wants to make and then puts them next to one another turning each piece until it looks right. She sometimes gets aggravated and will pull over an adult or older sibling and indicate she needs some help. I love that these challenge her. She is a very smart little one who knows all her letters, letter sounds and is spelling words. She also knows her numbers and is starting to show us she can add and subtract. She doesn’t talk all that much however. She adores the iPad and it has taught her great things but there are basics that one needs to be hands on about and so toys like this are perfect for her. The 4 blocks I thought might be hard to keep track of but because of the little wooden box they come with this is not the case. We keep them in the living room on a book shelf for her and she takes them off and puts them back, it is adorable. Our older children play with them as well, ages 5 and 7. Our 13 year old enjoys helping her youngest sister with these and remarks on how cute they are and how she wishes she could have had these as a child. She would like her little sister to get the backyard set next!

The other Toy she got was a puzzle elephant, you can see in the photo at the top. It is adorable and after only a few times of helping her she gets it every time now. She loves putting it together over and over and also likes trying to stack all the pieces as high as she can. These are simply beautiful wooden toys!

You can click the link at the top of this post to order at their site or you can also find these toys in your local Whole Foods!


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